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Article-3: Evaluating Patient Satisfaction on Dietary Services of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital


Objectives: The objective of the current study is to evaluate the patient satisfaction of dietary services in a tertiary care hospital and to suggest measures for the improvement of the food service process, if needed

Method: The prospective study was conducted at the dietary department of a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of 3 months using a standardized patient satisfaction survey tool.

Results: Study results showed that 41% of the people had given favourable ratings to the hospital food services where as close to 12% felt expressed moderate satisfaction with food services and only around 2% has expressed dissatisfaction on the dietary services.

Conclusion: Food services in the hospital play a significant role in quality of patient care. They also impact the success rate of treatments and quick recovery of patient conditions. So, management should ensure that quality of dietary services is maintained both in terms of patient satisfaction and organizational efficiency.

Keywords: Diet, Patient, Dietary services


Journal file