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Article-2:Comparative study of end to end Electronic Health Records with multiple vendor product in hospital setting

Introduction: As a part of digitization, the hospitals are converting all their manual records into the Electronic Health Records (EHR) which can be maintained as one record in digital format. The EHR can be of two types: single vendor EHR and multiple vendor EHR.
To compare end to end EHR solution (single vendor) and multiple vendor products. 
Material and Methods: Studying the relationship between the variables such as number of beds in a hospital and the type of EHR implemented, type of challenges, location of hospital (urban/rural), and number of modules by using MS Excel for analysis.
In our study,54% of hospitals had single vendor EHR and 46% had multiple vendor EHR. Maximum hospitals in urban area had EHR implemented. 61% had 3 to 5 modules. Among the hospitals with multiple vendor, 91% of hospitals faced challenges while implementing EHR. The major challenge faced was integration of multiple functionalities on single platform.
The single vendor EHR is better than the multiple vendor EHR as the challenges faced are lower compared to the multiple vendor. It would reduce the issues such as integration of software and staff training. Single vendor EHR should be applied in hospitals as a comprehensive solution as it would provide better features and security.
Keywords: electronic health record, hospital, multiple vendor, single vendor.
Journal file
Article-2.pdf (50.41 KB)