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Article-3-Combatting Non-Cooperative Hospital Employees With Lean Six Sigma And Transnational Change

Purpose: Quality focus, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and empowerment with committed leaderships all coexist, however what maybe important is; understanding how they relate and its appropriateness in the system. The purpose of this study was to assess success of Lean Six Sigma (Further referred as LSS) deployment in hospitals where there are union / unwarranted lobby issues and uncooperative employees. The study aimed to explore application of LSS methodologies integrated with a transactional change strategy to address the prominent problem with a goal to ensure patient satisfaction, good brand image and improve compliance requirements.
Methodology: A real situation of non-cooperation from ward-boys in a multi-specialty hospital; was addressed with a LSS initiative in the hospital. The study explored the application of the LSS methodology as an enabler to statistically verify the causes and solutions further to plan an implementation strategy of the solution that was integrated with the transactional change design in the system. 
Findings: “Kanban” designed was an innovative application in the service system to control human resource administration process as till date we have seen “Kanban” effectively utilized in manufacturing set-ups and supply chain processes.
The paper first discusses the case and the LSS deployment initiative and then further provides an insight to the significant outcome results of the solution suggested; on:
1. The design of the innovative Kanban.
2. The transactional change management strategy.
The Originality value: The case study demonstrated a statistically significant improved state post LSS initiative, particularly the innovative “Kanban” that was designed and utilized in the system to successfully deploy LSS and transactional change strategy in the hospital system to address a constant problem of non-cooperation from their ward-boys.
Keywords: Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare, Transactional change management in hospitals, Kanban in service, Innovative design, housekeeping administration in hospital
Journal file
Article -3.pdf (667.85 KB)