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Article-3: Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training Programs on Medical Faculty using Kirkpatrick Model


Background: Most of medical Colleges in India strive to retain their junior faculty, as private practice is a lucrative career path as compared to academic institution job. Generally, clinicians are not good man managers. The onus of maintaining the manpower inventory falls on institution administration. The future of an institution depends to a great extent on the degree to which it is successful in nurturing the career development of junior faculty. Faculty development programs and workshops will assist faculty in shaping careers and making them empowered in certain skills. Methodology: One full day workshop conducted in four sessions with trainers from Medical education department, Human resources department conducted on topics like sculpting academic teaching portfolio, requirements for promotion, performance management system, and research collaborations. Level 1, 2 of Kirkpatrick model of evaluation of effectiveness of workshops was done through feedback forms, tests. Level 3 & 4 assessment were done through performance records with College office, in-house web portals. Results:  Out of 136 participants 106 (78%) of them have started creating teaching portfolios in one year, 122 (90%) gained more confidence in large group teaching, 67 (50%) participated in assessing formative assessment sessions of Undergraduate students, 122 (90%) became more aware of the performance appraisal cycle and opportunities available under the institute, 65 faculty (48%) established research & funded grant collaborations, 108 (80%) initiated new pedagogic teaching techniques at their workplace. Conclusion: The study results revealed positive results for all the levels of Kirkpatrick model suggesting that the workshops were effective.


Keywords: Medical College Faculty training, PURE Portal, Training effectiveness, Teaching Portfolio, Kirkpatrick Model.