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Article-2:Study to Evaluate the Trauma Care System for Delhi Metropolis

Delhi – the bustling metropolitan capital of India - has the dubious distinction of having a very high accident and injury rate. As such, the prevention of traumatic injury and the provi-sion of trauma care must be regarded as essential public services central to the mission of public health agencies.
As no comprehensive data was available regarding the status of Trauma Care System in Delhi, this study was conducted to evaluate the existing system in the NCT of Delhi against International Standards and recommend a roadmap to develop an ideal Trauma System in the state based on the gaps identified.
Various components of the Trauma Care System for Delhi were evaluated in line with the HRSA’s “Model Trauma System Planning and Evaluation” (MTPSE) guidelines which include 24 Benchmarks, 113 Indicators and 678 Scoring Options i.e. Benchmark, Indicators and Scor-ing (BIS) tool. Scoring of various indictors was done based on key informant info on a pro-gress scale of 0-5, with 0 = Not Known, 1 = No Progress, 2 = Minimal Progress, 3 = Limited Progress, 4 = Substantial Progress and 5 = Full Progress.
In this study, Delhi received a median score of 1.5 indicating that the existing Trauma Sys-tem in the NCT of Delhi has made no or very minimal progress. The components which are in existence were also not found to be functional optimally and there is no co-ordination amongst various agencies.
Journal file
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