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Article-2: Assessment of patient safety culture: A Review

Assessment of patient safety culture: A Review
Correspondening Autor: Purnima Gupta Bhoi – Faculty Hospital Management, KiiT School of Public Health, Bhuwaneshwar
Background: Culture assessment is one of the critical aspects of patient safety that displays an important role for improving quality and patient safety in healthcare. A number of articles on assessment of patient safety culture using various tools have been published in the last ten years (2009 -2018). This paper will explore the overall patient safety grade in different healthcare setting as documented in the articles reviewed.  
Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore the areas of theme, overall patient safety score and the study design of published research on patient safety culture assessment in literature published in last ten years, English language journals.
Methods: Varied databases were used to find English articles that were relevant to patient safety and safety culture assessment in various kind of healthcare settings. Using the Medline database, we identified and reviewed fourteen articles that assessed patient safety culture in various countries. No ethics committee approval was necessary for this review.
Results: Our review included fourteen studies that assessed patient safety culture of the healthcare organisations. All articles included in this study used Hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPSC), a tool developed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). All the included studies on patient safety culture were conducted in the following kind of institutions: General hospitals, teaching hospitals, private hospitals and primary healthcare. 
Conclusion: This study shows that the most popular theme for patient safety culture research was the overall assessment of patient safety culture. All kind of healthcare institutions are now conducting the safety culture assessment to improve the patient safety and overall quality of care. 
Key words: Patient safety, patient safety culture, hospital safety, culture of safety, assessment of safety culture.
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