Recent Advances in Quality Management (RAQM) Series Programme- 3 Days Programme
Quality management is an evolving concept. The quality requirements keep on changing and the quality standards also evolve over time. This demands that those who practice quality as well as those who are in the field of healthcare provision need to be updated as per these changing requirements.
AHA understands its responsibility in updating the knowledge and skill of the quality practitioners and healthcare providers. Towards fulfilling this responsibility AHA has come up with Recent Advances in Quality Management (RAQM) series.
This programme series is beneficial to all healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, quality practitioners as well for those candidates who have already done QM&AHO PGC Programme, NQAS certificate programme & QM in Nursing practices programme from AHA. Programme is focused on upgrading the knowledge of the participants so that they can lead/ assist any healthcare quality assurance related project in healthcare facilities. This also makes them more complete healthcare quality practitioners.
The course has didactic learning methodology & learning sessions continuously guided by experts on quality standards. There are no written assignments for submission in this programme. Through the course content & interactive training sessions, participants will acquire the essential knowledge & skills to manage the evolving quality needs of a healthcare organization in the current dynamic environment of hospitals.
There have been major changes that have been incorporated in the NABH Standards for hospitals. These include not only the changes in the Quality Standards and Objective elements but also in the scoring methodology and compliance assessment and finally in the accreditation decisions. The first programme in this RAQM series has been planned in February 2021 for providing updates on NABH standards for hospitals 5th Edition 2020.
There have been restrictions imposed by the Govt. on account of COVID-19 pandemic & lock down for holding classroom programmes for some time. Since AHA believes that up-gradation of knowledge and fresh learning is an ongoing journey, we have launched this programme series in virtual mode with online classes & training. The programme has been designed to impart all the required skills & knowledge with well-planned and designed online teaching schedule. Further all participants shall be provided with soft copies of the relevant background material that is going to be a great asset & will act as a ready reckoner for quality practitioners.
SCOPE: RAQM- NABH Standards for Hospitals 5th Edition
- The programme covers detailed explanation on the above Quality Assurance Standards.
- This programme is aimed to make you aware of the key changes in the 5th edition standards & impart training on interpretation of the changes.
- This will assist the participants in preparing their organizations for planning of their QMS related processes in view of the challenges posed by the newly launched edition of NABH standards for hospitals, in carrying out internal audits, in conducting assessments & in improving & update the understanding of QMS.
- This programme is especially recommended for all AHA pass outs of QM&AHO from batch 1 to batch 37 to update their knowledge on recent advances in NABH standards.
Suitable professionals to participate in this programme are Healthcare professionals/ providers/ managers/ administrators/ practitioners; Directors, additional directors, deputy directors, assistant directors from various divisions of health departments; Medical superintendents; Medical officer in-charges of healthcare facilities; Hospital Administrators, Nursing administrators, Nursing professionals, ICN; Pharmacists; Quality consultants & coordinators from State level, District Level, Area level, Hospital/ facility level; Students pursuing Hospital management/ Administration programmes; Other healthcare professionals associated with quality; Graduates & postgraduates in other disciplines with experience in working in the healthcare industry; Candidates as sponsored by the State Quality Committees as well by various SIHFW. This programme is of immense benefit for the staff of the hospitals going in for NABH accreditation.
PROGRAMME DATES [2023- 2024]
The training shall be conducted at AHA HOUSE, C-56/43, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, SECTOR- 62, NOIDA, UP 201 301. This is a well-equipped head-quarter of AHA with in-house lecture halls/ conference rooms & residential facilities for the participants.
- Rs. 6,500/- [Rupees Six thousand five hundred only]* [inclusive of GST, Lunch & two tea, Course material, Faculty fee, Evaluation test, certificate & Group photo].
- Rs. 10,000/- [Rupees Ten thousand only]* [inclusive of GST, Boarding and Lodging for 4 days -Twin sharing basis AC Rooms with attached toilet-bath, Course material, Faculty fee, Evaluation test, certificate & Group photo].
*There is 10% discount for AHA members. Please quote your MAHA/AMHA/SMAHA No. to avail this.
Programme fee can paid online NEFT/RTGS in the following account:

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Dr. Ashish Kumar Gupta
Mob- 9811114879 Email:
Manager Academics
C-56/43, Sector – 62, Institutional Area, NOIDA-201301, UP, India.
Tel: 0120 – 4233761 / 62 / 63, 2401496,7827229979
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